
  • Through our services we try to promote and facilitate the implementation of flagship initiative “An industrial policy for the globalization era” of  Europe 2020 Strategy at the national and regional level. The flagship initiative “An industrial policy for the globalization era” from the national level seeks:
  • To implement their national pathways for flexicurity, as agreed by the European Council, to reduce labor market segmentation and facilitate transitions as well as facilitating the reconciliation of work and family life;
  •  To review and regularly monitor the efficiency of tax and benefit systems so to make work pay with a particular focus on the low skilled, whilst removing measures that discourage self-employment;
  • To promote new forms of work-life balance and active ageing policies and to increase gender equality;
  •  Promote and monitor the effective implementation of social dialogue outcomes;
  •  To give a strong impetus to the implementation of the European Qualification Framework, through the establishment of national qualification frameworks;
  • To ensure that the competences required to engage in further learning and the labor market are acquired and recognized throughout general, vocational, higher and adult education, including on formal and informal learning;
  • To develop partnerships between the worlds of education/training to work, in particular by involving social partners in the planning of education and training provision.
  • Furthermore, we believe that an important potential for the overall economic development of Kosova is DIASPORA. Thus, we are committed to promote and facilitate inclusion of Kosovar Diaspora as a human and financial potential for the economic development of Kosova.